Matcheshead is an NFT project that helps everyone find their individuality and passion. Matcheshead stands for dedication within us, and although it may be just a tiny spark that goes out quickly, it has great power to burn. The meaning of this project is to radiate positive and productive energy with other Matchesheads who have discovered their own individuality and passion.

We all have different interests and talents as much as our diversity of colours. We invite you to this project to connect each other's positive energies through Matcheshead, create a community that respects and enjoys it, and gathers hearts and minds for making meaningful things in the world.






The Matcheshead project will create an unlimited community based on our core values: passion, personality, talent and interest. This community will grow healthy while Matchesheads inspire their passions each other and share their different gifts and enthusiasm. Just like we all needed and provided abundant nutrients for our lives to constantly change and grow, so will our community play that role.

Matcheshead NFT will be a membership and access to the community that Matchesheads will build in the future. While connecting people within Matcheshead's community, we will create a common good that preserves healthy boundaries, respects each other and helps us grow together.

We will do our best to create a healthy ecosystem, but we will not set limits in advance. We believe that the productive results produced by the community will be the nourishment needed to continue better projects. Why not build this beautiful community of passion together? We invite you!


We have 25 original Matchesheads with totally different characteristics.
Find the best Matcheshead which describes you among these 25 unique characters!
We will be your matchmaker.


There would be a total of 10,000 unique Matcheshead in our first collection. We plan to add items upon request of the community in the future.

Join our Discord! We have lots of events to bring our community together. It would be announced on our website MH NOW section regularly.

Matcheshead holders will participate in the various community activities, holder-exclusive on/off-line meetings, and have priority in future collections and more!

Matchesheads can freely form and operate small groups within the community according to their interests and talents. It will give Matcheshead more creative opportunities in the community. Please see the User’s Guide section of the website for more details.

NFT stands for “Non-Fungible Token” and is stored and encrypted as a unique digital item. Not only can these NFTs be traded and owned by people, but also they are used as a membership card that the holder has exclusive access to things like websites, events, merchandise, and more.

You can purchase Matcheshead on OpenSea.

Copyright 2022 © All rights reserved by Matcheshead

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